10 Things Joe Anglim Wants You To Know Following His Second Chance Send-Off

Joe: "I have so many, that's such a hard question. The one that really stands out to me from Worlds Apart was in the first challenge when we're right about to run down the ramp and into the hay bale. I looked over at Mike Holloway, and me and him lock eyes and we just have these grins on our faces and smile. We lip to each other, 'We're playing Survivor.' It was this really cool moment and both were just being little fangirls. That was my first big, standout memory.

And I would say in this season my strongest memory is when Terry had to leave and embracing him right before he left. It was just a real moment of the real things we give up at home, like our families, and the reality that of we're out here playing game.

It was, like, 'What if something happens at home and we're not there?' I saw the love that Terry has for his son, Danny, and then it wasn't even a question—he was on the boat and back home. Just to see his love and hear it in his voice was a special moment for me."
