Amber Heard Replaced an Actor in Pineapple Express, Heres Why

Amber Heard had a role in Pineapple Express, but she wasn’t the first choice for the part. Decision-makers canceled on another actor to recast the role, giving it to Heard after some behind-the-scenes conversations. Here’s a look at how Heard came to replace the original actor for the comedy Pineapple Express.

Amber Heard played Angie Anderson in ‘Pineapple Express’

Pineapple Express follows a stoner named Dale Denton (Seth Rogen) after he witnesses a murder. However, his panic only intensifies as a result of his extreme high from a specific strain of marijuana. He discovers that the killers could trace the marijuana back to him, so he joins his dealer, Saul (James Franco), to figure a way out of the situation. However, a dangerous drug lord (Gary Cole) and a crooked cop (Rosie Perez) are on their tail.

Heard joined the cast of Pineapple Express as Angie Anderson. She’s Dale’s girlfriend, though others question what they see in one another. They originally met at Saul’s house when she was purchasing from him for her boyfriend at the time. She’s a high schooler, making her relationship with Dale extra strange.

Seth Rogen opened up about why ‘Pineapple Express’ actor Amber Heard replaced Olivia Thirlby

New York Magazine interviewed actor Olivia Thirlby, who was originally cast as Angie. However, Heard ultimately replaced her in Pineapple Express as Dale’s girlfriend. She said in the interview she wasn’t so sure she would go see the movie after getting recast.

“I got cast as Seth [Rogen]’s girlfriend,” Thirlby said. “And I’d been rehearsing with them for a little while and they called me up and were like, ‘Actually, we’re going to recast your role.’ So I’m minorly, minorly ticked off. I still have no idea why, and I’m not sure anybody knew why. It’s just a decision that came down from on high.”

However, Rogen was apparently one of the major decision-makers in casting Heard for Pineapple Express. OK! Magazine interviewed him to talk about the popular comedy project. He explained his thought process behind the decision, but he still wanted to work with Thrilby on another movie in the future.

“We weren’t clear on what the character should have been at the time when we cast it,” Rogen said. “We realized we hadn’t thought it through well enough and if we went a different direction, it could’ve been a stronger comedic choice, but she’s great. I’d love to work with her again. She’s awesome.”

Olivia Thirlby revealed her feelings about the recasting decision

Metro chatted with Thirlby, who further talked about her experience with Heard getting the Pineapple Express role that originally went to her.

“I was really disappointed because I love Judd Apatow and I love Seth Rogen and I’m a huge fan of their comedy,” Thirlby said. “I was super-pumped to be a part of one [of Rogen and Apatow’s projects]. It was disappointing, but I guess I learned a part of the business.”

Thirlby concluded: “Sometimes with casting it’s completely out of your control. You’ve got to not take things too personally.”

The actor continues to have an impressive filmography of recognizable titles, including Juno, Dredd, and No Strings Attached. Additionally, she will star in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Oppenheimer.
