Gwent: Playing Innkeeps, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Gwent: Playing Innkeeps, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Maps & Walkthrough
  • Quests
  • Gwent: Playing Innkeeps
  • Group: Secondary Quests

    Location: Novigrad

    This quest will appear in your journal when, after an audience with the Emperor, you leave Vizima Castle and reach Velen for the first time.

    It is an innkeeper's job to tend to his guests' needs. Usually this takes the form of serving strong drinks and listening to tales of loves lost and wounds received. Yet at times a patron will wish to play a hand of gwent, which is why all good innkeepers keep a deck at the ready at all times. And the excellent ones - they keep excellent decks, full of top-notch cards that can provide an evening of challenge and excitement to even the most refined gwent player. Geralt was determined to win some of these cards for himself.

    Related points of interest

    Icon of The Alchemy The Alchemy Velen / Novigrad

    Icon of Inn at the Crossroads Inn at the Crossroads Velen / Novigrad

    Icon of Kingfisher Inn Kingfisher Inn Velen / Novigrad

    Quest stages of Gwent: Playing Innkeeps

    1. Win Stjepan's unique card.

    Go to The Alchemy inn in Oxenfurt and talk to Stjepan. He uses the Nilfgaardian Empire deck. Once defeated he will hand over the Yennefer of Vengerberg card.

    Win Stjepan's unique card.

    2. Win a unique card from the innkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads.

    Go to the Inn at the Crossroads and talk to innkeeper. He uses the Nilfgaardian Empire deck. Once defeated he will hand over the Menno Coehoorn card.

    Win a unique card from the innkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads.

    3. Win Olivier's unique card. / (Optional) Find a unique card in the Kingfisher.

    He uses the Monsters deck. Once defeated he will hand over the Tibor Eggebracht card.

    Win Olivier's unique card. / (Optional) Find a unique card in the Kingfisher.

    If Olivier dies during the Now or Never quest and you didn't win his card yet, then it can be found in the room near the counter.

    Win Olivier's unique card. / (Optional) Find a unique card in the Kingfisher.

    Geralt played and defeated all the excellent innkeepers he could find and added many powerful new cards to his collection.

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